Cryptocurrency Wallet - An Overview

A cryptocurrency wallet is an app that facilitates the transfer of crypto payments between blockchain networks. With the cryptocurrency wallet, users can simply store, trade, and exchange money in forms of currencies like Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, etc. Crypto wallets are available in various forms from hardware wallets to mobile wallets, which makes crypto usage as simple as shopping with a credit card.

Cryptocurrency wallet development services are utilized to build several wallet types for streamlined crypto asset management, simple, quick, safe cryptocurrency transfer, and secure cryptocurrency storage.

Unlike a normal wallet holding cash, crypto wallets don't store your cryptos. Instead, your holdings will live in the blockchain, which can be accessed only with the private. Your private key proves your ownership of your digital money and facilitates you to make transactions more securely.

Why choose a Decentralized Crypto Wallet?

It readily combines with all DeFi platforms and literally reaches billions of global users.

It provides cross-platform compatibility for iOS, OS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux.

It allows the users to store and sell various types of cryptos like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Altcoin, etc in a single wallet.

Signature Features of Our Decentralized Crypto Wallets



The users could directly sell cryptos directly from their wallets and in turn gets back the money credited to their cards.



Token swapping functionality removes the need for a separate wallet integration service.



Empower your users to safely stake their cryptos and take part in trading activities across DeFi platforms.

Multi-Currency Support

Multi-Currency Support

Here you have support for bitcoin and other cryptos. We could customize your wallet to improve and scale trading opportunities as per your business needs.

Vendor Payments

Vendor Payments

Provide payment in cryptos equivalent to Fiat currency for consumer services Via QR code.



Provide rapid and easy deposit, withdrawal, and transfer of Fiat currencies directly to Visa/Master cards.

QR code scanner

QR code scanner

Removes the need for manual copying of wallet addresses by providing automatic QR code scanning of addresses.

Auto denial of duplicate payments

Auto denial of duplicate payments

The wallet automatically predicts and restricts duplicate payments to avoid any chargebacks.

Push Notification

Push Notification

You will get a notification whenever the value of cryptocurrency gets updated. You will be notified of your transactions.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication

Improve the security of the wallet with Multi-factor authentication. We blend these security features considering your wallet needs.

Transaction History

Transaction History

The information related to the transactions which are initiated by the users is maintained in the wallet.

Automated Session Logout

Automated Session Logout

The wallet session will log out automatically if it stays ideal for a particular time period. This is to remove fraudulent activity on the wallet.

Our Crypto Wallet Development Services

NFT Marketplace Development Company

Key Steps of Crypto Wallet Development.





Fidelity Design


Contract Development


Website Development






Crypto Wallet Development

Business Analysis

We begin to review the business perspective of your project and recognize the objective and specification of the wallet you need.

Key Steps of Crypto Wallet Development

Why Choose InnBlockchain For a Crypto Wallet Development Company

Blockchain technology is the best technology that has the capacity to change the way of resolving business issues and handling numerous tasks across several industries. Cryptocurrency is the best evidence of blockchain technology. In this, our dedicated team of cryptocurrency developers create a wallet in a way to accept all kinds of cryptos more efficiently.

Cryptocurrency wallet consulting

Cryptocurrency wallet consulting

We analyze your business needs and gather requirements for your crypto wallet. Our team suggest you with the best crypto wallet, design, architecture, tech stack, and best API integration patterns. Furthermore, our team provide you a roadmap for cryptocurrency wallet implementation, including a risk mitigation plan.

Go For Consulting
Cryptocurrency wallet development

Cryptocurrency wallet development

Our team analyze your crypto wallet requirements to conceptualize crypto wallet. We provide you with a overall architectural design for your crypto wallet and also help you with crypto wallet development and integration with existing software ecosystem. We conduct testing and quality assurance for the maintenance of the project.

Go For Development
About InnBlockchain

About InnBlockchain

InnBlockchain is a leading IT consultant and software development provider in South India. We not only oustand in providing the best cryptocurrency wallet development services for global businesses but also we have set a mark in the crypto industry by providing numerous trustworthy services over blockchain development, Cryptocurrency development, DeFi development, Launchpad development, Token development, NFT development, and Smart contract development.

FAQ - Cryptocurrency Wallet Development Company

InnBlockchain provides customized cryptocurrency wallet development services. The wallet development time is based on the features and functionalities preferred by you. We try to complete the project in seven business days.
We give a risk-free start of cooperation with a feasibility study to guarantee that you would leverage the expected financial profit from the crypto wallet app. Moreover, we provide PoC development to check the solution's viability in real-time.
Yes definitely, our team is built with technically skilled professionals who are always ready to support you in all aspects of the development throughout your project.
InnBlockchain grabs the exact business requirement of the client and defines an optimal feature set for the solution in a way to avoids packing with unwanted functionality.
Yes, of course, you could store more than one crypto in a single wallet. The wallet is designed in a way to accept and supports various types of cryptocurrencies.
We enforce standards and policies like anti-DDoS, 2FA, multi-layer security, and more to confirm legitimate user access, ensure transaction validity, control malicious and fraudulent activities, and guarantee crypto wallet backup if you require it.
Talk To Our Experts
How Can We Help You?

When it comes to block chain, the security regarding attributes plays a significant role and hence we majorly prioritized on the quality of the script to provide you with an unwavering solution.

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